How to Ask Companies For a Raffle Prize + A Sample Prize Request Letter

Rubber ducks in a row on an aqua background. Get your raffle prize ducks in a row

July 19, 2024

As a nonprofit fundraiser organiser, your role in securing exciting prizes for your nonprofit organisation’s fundraising event is essential. A great prize is a significant factor in selling raffle tickets and raising funds for your cause. Though that may seem like a big challenge and a lot of pressure, it doesn’t have to be. You can successfully convince local businesses to donate those much-needed items with a strong raffle prize request letter and a basic strategy.

We’re here to guide you through the process to help ensure your raffle fundraiser succeeds. And if you need unique raffle prize ideas, we’ve got you covered!

Charity Raffle Prize Request Prep

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Getting Your Raffle Prize Ducks in a Row

Before reaching out to people and businesses for raffle prize donations, develop a strategic plan. Begin by determining the number and variety of prizes you aim to have for your raffle draw. Remember, including significant, attention-grabbing items can ignite excitement and significantly boost your fundraising efforts for the cause you’re passionate about. Next, compile a list of companies that could contribute fantastic raffle items. The more extensive your list, the better, as it allows you to reach out to a larger pool of potential donors. When creating your list, don’t just focus on national companies and brands—remember the power of local businesses in fostering community involvement. Local restaurants and spas often receive donation requests for raffles, so in some cases they may not be as quick to donate a prize. Increase your chances of a prize donation by considering businesses that might receive fewer prize donation requests. Examples of this sort of business are tattoo parlours, tax service providers, local artists, dog grooming salons, personal trainers, cooking classes, and car repair businesses. These hidden gems can offer unique services in the form of a gift certificate, adding an element of excitement and anticipation to your event. Moreover, they’re often more open to participating for the good vibes, community exposure, and potential for new customers.
a cute white dog getting groomed. Great raffle prize idea!
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Making the Connection

Once you’ve got your list of potential donors, it’s time to research. Go online or call around to determine the specific person to whom you should send your request. Addressing your email or letter directly to this person increases the chances of it being seen.

Tip: Get on the phone and call potential prize donors. Yes, cold calling can be awkward! However, speaking directly with someone, especially the right person, creates a connection and opens the door to potential positive outcomes. You’ll be able to talk about your organisation’s cause and mission, increasing your chances of getting a positive response to your ask.

Our prize request letter template (linked below) offers an example you can use to ask for prize item donations. Remember, the more you can personalise your request, the better the response will likely be. This personal touch can make all the difference in securing the prizes you need for your event.

Sample Prize Request Letter

This example of a prize request letter will help get you started! As a bonus, it includes tips and best practices on elements to always include in your ask.

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The Follow-Up

Keep track of when you send out raffle prize donation requests, who they’re to, and the responses you get. Pop this info into a spreadsheet to keep everything organised.

If you don’t hear back after a week, don’t assume it’s a ‘no.’ Your contact could be swamped or out of the office. In this case, send a friendly follow-up email. Use your spreadsheet to track who you’ve nudged a second time.

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The Extra Mile

Now that you have the fundamentals, here are a few additional tips to help you secure excellent prize items for your organisation’s raffle:

  • Research Potential Donors: Research the businesses you plan to contact before reaching out. Understand their values, target audience, and past philanthropic activities. This information will help you tailor your prize appeal to align with their interests.
  • Cultivate Relationships: Don’t just reach out to businesses when you need something. Try to build ongoing relationships with potential donors. This could involve promoting them at your event, featuring them in your newsletter, or finding other ways to provide value.
  • Sponsorship Opportunities: Businesses are more likely to donate if they see the benefits. Offering sponsorships, such as featuring their logo on your printed flyers and postcards or acknowledging them at your event, can make your request more appealing and show them the value of their contribution.

Wrapping Up

Following these steps will help you secure fantastic prizes for your event and put you well on your way to reaching fundraising goals. It’s important to stay organised, persistent, and personal in your approach. With these qualities, you’ll be ready to make your charity raffle fundraising event a huge hit. Take the first step to organising a successful raffle and begin your prize quest today. You’ve got this, and remember, you have a whole team cheering you on every step of the way!

For affordable, top-quality printed raffle tickets and a top-notch fundraising platform for running an online raffle, count on Eventgroove! All our custom printing orders come with a satisfaction guarantee, and using our platform is free for organisers.

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